The Science Behind Losing ‘Belly Fat’: Your Need-to-Know Guide

Affiliate Zilla
3 min readApr 14, 2021


You don’t need to survive on salad or hit the treadmill for hours on end to lose belly fat

Do you need to get rid of belly fat as soon as possible? You’ve arrived at the correct location, but you’ve already made a critical error: you can’t spot-reduce (target) individual areas of fat. This involves the stomach. Crunches, sit-ups, and toes-to-bar won’t get rid of your spare tyre. Instead, it’s your bad habits and food decisions, such as the ones mentioned below, that are to blame for your bloated stomach.

Fortunately, there are a variety of approaches you may take to begin eviscerating this visceral fat buildup. It can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer because it covers your liver, stomach, and intestines. Sure, having bigger arms and a broader chest is appealing, but if your target is long-term, holistic fitness, you should reconsider your training goals. The fight for your soul Exercise, food decisions, sleep changes, and, most importantly, a deeper understanding of the roles calories play would all be part of the plan to lose belly fat.

Obesity has been declared a war by the UK government. “Covid-19 has given us all a wake-up call [on] the immediate and long-term risks of obesity, and the prime minister is clear that we must seize this opportunity to get healthier, more involved, and eat better,” a government spokesperson said. “We will be asking the public to take stock of how they conduct their lives at this time, and to take action.Easy measures to lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, and relieve stress on the NHS.”

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In England, the majority of adults were listed as overweight or obese in 2018. Is a UK-wide obesity strategy the way to go? The verdict is still out. But we do know that living a healthy life starts with education, which is why we’ve put together this guide to various forms of fat, their causes, and how to lose it.

The Different Types of Belly Fat

Fat isn’t all made equal. Subcutaneous fat — the soft layer of chub that lies immediately under the skin — does not damage your wellbeing in the same way that excess timber around the waist does. Belly fat (also known as visceral fat) is stored in the abdominal cavity alongside vital organs such as the liver, thyroid, kidneys, and intestines.\

Belly fat is metabolically active, which means it functions like an organ — one you wouldn’t want to donate.

It’s great at releasing inflammatory compounds, interacting with hormones that control appetite, weight, mood, and brain function, and raising the cortisol levels, which are linked to stress. It’s no wonder that it’s linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

So far, it has been horrific. However, there is some positive news. Belly fat is the most harmful form of body fat, but it’s also the simplest to lose because it’s buried deep inside your body. But, before we get into that, let’s look at the causes of belly fat. After all, it’s preferable to avoid gaining weight in the first place.

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