What Dose Belly Fat Look Inside ?

Affiliate Zilla
3 min readMay 5, 2021


What Is Internal Belly Fat ?? Visceral fat (INTERNAL BELLY FAT) is a form of fat that wraps around your abdominal organs and is found deep inside your body. It’s not always possible to sense or see it. And if you have a flat stomach, you can still have abdominal fat. TOFI, or “thin outside fat inside,” is a term used to describe this.

Only an expensive scan will determine how much belly fat you have, but your doctor is unlikely to prescribe one just for that purpose.

Dangers of Visceral Fat

Some excess body fat is harmful to your health. However, visceral fat, as opposed to the fat that lies just under your skin (subcutaneous fat), is more likely to put you at risk for serious medical problems. Heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and high cholesterol are only a few of the diseases related to excess fat in the trunk.

Researchers believe that visceral fat produces more proteins that cause inflammation in your body’s tissues and organs(abdominal organs), as well as narrowing of your blood vessels. This can raise the blood pressure and cause other complications.

How to Measure It

Without costly imaging tests, there’s no way to tell where and how much visceral fat is hidden in your body. Those are unlikely to come in handy.

Waist circumference. This is a simple way to get a ballpark figure. Wrap a tape measure around your waist and over your belly button to get an accurate measurement.(Avoid suckling!) Visceral fat is described as a waist circumference of 35 inches or more in women. 40 inches for adults. This is a rough tool, particularly if you’re a big guy. If you’re Asian, the visceral fat measurement is 31.5 inches for women and 35.5 inches for men.

BMI stands for Body Mass Index. The BMI is a formula that calculates how much you weigh in relation to your height. You can use online calculators to do the calculations for you. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher. This may indicate the presence of visceral fat. If you’re Asian American, you should be concerned if your BMI is 23 or higher.

What is the best way to get rid of visceral fat?


How to melt visceral fat ?

Visceral fat is highly reactive to the following substances:

  • exercise
  • diet
  • other lifestyle changes that help maintain a moderate weight

You lose some subcutaneous fat for each pound you lose.


Every day, if necessary, exercise for at least 30 minutes. Include both aerobic and strength training in your workout.

Aerobic exercise involves things like:

  • cycling and running circuit training
  • It will help you burn fat more quickly.

When the muscles get stronger and absorb more energy, strength training can gradually burn more calories.

Do 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week and at least 3 times a week for strength training.


It’s also important to eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet.

Remove as many refined, high-sugar foods from your diet as possible and replace them with more lean proteins, fruits, and complex carbs like sweet potatoes, beans, and lentils.

Low-carb diets, such as the ketogenic diet, can also aid in the reduction of visceral fat.

Look at other options for reducing visceral fat.


Since the stress hormone cortisol will actually increase the amount of visceral fat your body stores, reducing stress in your life can make losing weight easier.

Meditation, deep breathing, and other stress-reduction techniques can be used.

When to See Your Doctor

Consult your doctor if you exhibit any of the symptoms of visceral fat. You will find out whether you have a higher chance of type 2 diabetes and other diseases by taking this quiz.

Blood pressure, heart rate, and other vital signs can also be checked by the doctor. To get a complete picture of your condition, they can even test samples of your blood or pee.

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